Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Coming Race War

I fear there is a coming race war in our country.  The flames have been fanned and emotions are running high. Is it even possible to avert the coming race war? After the headlines in the media over the past I week, I had to wonder if we have crossed the Rubicon.  The President and his enablers in the media have been partners in fomenting the coming race war since the President starting running for President.  From Michelle Obama's remark "first time in her life she has been proud of her country, to condoning the hateful preachings of Jeremiah Wright, and the Cambridge, MA, "the police acted stupidly" remark, the seeds of racism were planted.  Since when can't we the people criticize the politicians?  Ever since Obama became President. 

Here are some facts; according to the Washington Post there have been 509 people killed by police this year.  Of those 509, 238 were white people and 123 Black people.  Almost twice as many white as blacks and yet somehow the media enablers and the President say how disproportionate this statistic is and lead everyone to believe that only blacks are killed by the police.  Did anyone ever stop to ask the question:  How many crimes are committed by whites versus blacks?  I mean the same Washington Post statistics show there were 484 males killed in relation to 25 females?  Is that also not  proportionate?  Is there some type of prejudice going on with police in relation to males?  Of course not, there is a logical reason, men do commit way more crimes then women and will have more opportunities to come into contact with the police.  So while 24% of those killed by police are black, while only being 13% of the population, Blacks also commit 28% of the crime (FBI) while only being 13 % of the population.  I think we see the problem.

Let there be no doubt it has been this President's agenda to divide this country.  He divided us along racial lines.  He divides along ethnic lines, he divides us along religious lines, and he divides us by gender lines.  He has always had a with him or against him approach.  It has always been Obama's way or the highway.  Obama always ready to take credit for the good that has happened under his watch, but he is always quick to blame other for what ails us. 

Here is the bottom line:  I have heard the liberal makes their claims of all the good government does.  Well where is the liberal left when it comes to accepting blame for the killing of 5 police Officers the other day?  Yes, the Government did build that.  Wake up America we need to take our country back from those that do nothing but divide us into groups to be taken from or paid depending on whether one belongs to a favored class or enemy class.

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